Jangwon Tech. Manufacturing Firm Specialized in Cooking Tools for Business Use such as Steam Convection Oven, Frying Apparatus, Pizza Oven, and others

Contact : 82 - 1800 - 6946
  Tel : 82 - 1800 - 6946
Fax : 82-31-226-7958
E-Mail : alvl1008@naver.com
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  Jangwon Tech is a manufacturing firm specialized in cooking tools for business use such as steam convection oven, frying apparatus, pizza oven, and others.

We have developed key parts of an oven such as PCB, MOTOR, BROWER, and HEATER, by ourselves and acquired electrical safety certificates and applied for patents through a lot of tests for several years since 2011.

We started to directly deal with more than 90% of manufacture, delivery, installation, A/S, and B/S uniquely in the industry in April,2013.Also, our special ovens for chicken, steak, pigs’ feet, and fish give high performance and cooking skills and apply unique recipes and cooking programs of franchises’ head offices.

Furthermore, we ensure and establish a system to complete a task to handle with A/S within 24 hours after receiving complaints. Consequently, we do not receive any complaints from our clients. Based on this, we can say that our chicken oven is the world’ s best product.

We develop and produce frying apparatuses and pizza ovens that are simple to use based on the convenience and safety through the artificial intellectualization of complicated cooking skills.

Moreover, we operate a kitchen available for free on a reservation system and hope you use this space a lot. please give use your interest and support.

Thank you. v


Bread cooking

당사는 스팀컨벡션오븐, 업소용튀김기, 피자오븐등 업소용 조리기기 전문제조회사 입니다. 


Fried dishes

당사는 스팀컨벡션오븐, 업소용튀김기, 피자오븐등 업소용 조리기기 전문제조회사 입니다. 



당사는 스팀컨벡션오븐, 업소용튀김기, 피자오븐등 업소용 조리기기 전문제조회사 입니다. 



당사는 스팀컨벡션오븐, 업소용튀김기, 피자오븐등 업소용 조리기기 전문제조회사 입니다.